Dove A.E. Burns Quoted in Leader’s Edge Magazine
Obermayer Partner Dove Burns was quoted in Maureen Brody’s article “Glass Ceilings, Glass Doors,” published in the September 2019 issue of Leader’s Edge Magazine. The story focuses on the backlash created by the #MeToo movement, generating tension, unnatural caution, and cordiality toward women. Dove, who is one of the women who spoke to Leader’s Edge, expressed her concern stating: “When there are few women in leadership positions and now you have uncomfortable relationships, that is another barrier.” In the article, Dove also explains how, “the so-called #MeToo backlash could entail EPL claims of its own—not sexual harassment but sexual discrimination complaints based on new barriers to promotion because men refuse to engage in one-on-one interactions.”
The full article can be accessed here.
Dove focuses her practice on employment law and professional liability. She has experience defending corporate clients and executives, professional service providers, multibillion-dollar international restaurant chains, hospitals, municipalities, housing authorities, nonprofits, and boards of directors in a variety of high-exposure matters. Click here to learn more about Dove and her practice.