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Derek S. Green

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Edmond M. George

09.15.2018  |  The Legal Intelligencer: Trial Court Reversed After Dismissing PFA Petition Under Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel, Michael Bertin Discusses COVID-19 Vaccines in Child Custody Context in The Legal Intelligencer, From The Legal Intelligencer: Treatment of 529 Account in Divorce Settlement Agreement, From The Legal Intelligencer: Medical Marijuana and Child Custody: A New Frontier in Pa., From The Legal Intelligencer: "Support Order Affirmed Under Paternity by Estoppel Argument", From The Legal Intelligencer: Custody Appeal Vacated as Untimely After Denial of Reconsideration​, From The Legal Intelligencer: Superior Court Grants Equal Custody of Child to Same-Sex Partner, Obermayer Partner Michael E. Bertin’s “Statute of Limitations Bars Enforcement of Provision in Property Settlement Agreement” Published in The Legal Intelligencer, Attorney Fees Award in Protection From Abuse Case Reversed, Support Guidelines Change in Light of Trump's New Tax Laws, Divorce Decree and Equitable Distribution Vacated After Death of Spouse With Dementia, The Long Road to Justice Before the Supreme Court, Obermayer Partner Michael Bertin's "'Wiseman' Analysis in Shared Custody Determinations No Longer Applicable" Published in The Legal Intelligencer, ‘Wiseman’ Analysis in Shared Custody Determinations No Longer Applicable, Reasonable Needs Now to Be Considered in High-Income Child Support Cases, New Child Custody Law Opens Door a Bit for Grandparents, Third Parties, Court Examines the Impact of Retirement in Alimony Termination Case, Take Three: In Loco Parentis Revisited for Third Time in a Year, Same-Sex Partner Not Found a Parent and Not Found In Loco Parentis, Failure to Disclose and Constructive Trust in Divorce, Child Custody, Relocation, Contempt and Modification, Support Order Based on Evidence Outside of Record Vacated, In Loco Parentis Status Should Start With Consent, Jurisdiction and Modifying Child Custody Orders, Trial Court's Granting of Child Relocation to Florida Reversed, Hague Convention Only Considers One Habitual Residence of a Child, Social Security Benefits and the Modification of Alimony, Obermayer Attorneys Named 2017 Best Lawyers, $10,000 Agreement if Petition to Modify Custody Upheld, Court May Modify Custody Without Petition to Modify, Unique Case of Stepparent Owing Child Support to Stepchildren

Michael E. Bertin

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