
Gary Samms Delivers a Defense Verdict on Behalf of Two Anesthesiologists

May 08, 2023

After a contentious nine-day jury trial before The Honorable Leonard Brown in the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas, partner Gary Samms, Chair of the Professional Liability and Catastrophic Loss Groups at Obermayer delivered a defense verdict for two anesthesiologists accused of malpractice. Plaintiffs had claimed the anesthesiologists failed to properly hydrate the patient during the procedure as well as adequately and appropriately monitor the blood pressure and heart rate. They were also criticized for extubating prior to the patient meeting the necessary criteria.  Plaintiffs alleged the deficiencies resulted in poor perfusion to the bowel which led to necrosis and resection leaving the patient with short gut syndrome and cognitive deficits. The jury commented on the effective cross-examination and the quality of the defendants’ experts as being important in their analysis. Raymond Petruccelli and Nancy Farnen were instrumental in the defense of this case.