
Henry Noye Quoted in The Legal Intelligencer

August 26, 2022

Henry Noye, a partner and member of Obermayer’s Catastrophic Loss Group, was quoted in The Legal Intelligencer in connection with Montgomery County’s Civil Court’s long-held reputation as a venue where cases have traditionally taken longer to get to trial and its attempts to emerge from civil backlogs. In the article, titled “Lawyers Say Montgomery County’s Civil Court May Be Moving Past Its Slowpoke Reputation”, published on August 25, 2022, Henry explained that the pandemic created difficulties in obtaining trial dates, but he said those problems predated COVID.

“If you have attorneys who are not really focused on resolution, it was not uncommon for cases to linger for three, four, five, six years,” he said, adding that much of that difficulty stemmed from inconsistency in how judges managed scheduling and deadlines. 

Read the full article here.