
Mathieu Shapiro talks about the newest leadership alarm at Ernst & Young

June 21, 2023

Obermayer managing partner Mathieu Shapiro, who specializes in commercial split transactions, continues his discussion about Ernst & Young’s (EY) split in an interview with CFO Dive. Earlier this week, EY’s global chairman and CEO Carmine Di Sibio announced his planned retirement for June of 2024, and according to Mathieu his exit may trigger a new era of leadership for the accounting giant, with a focus on reworking a recent proposed deal known as “Project Everest.”

In the article, titled “EY CEO’s retirement sounds new leadership alarm,” published on June 16, 2023, Mathieu shared his take on CEO’s retirement and whether it is related to Everest.

“My take on all of this is that it is likely part of finding new ideas and new leadership, interested in pushing through whatever they’re actually going to do,” Mathieu said.

Continuing his discussion about EY’s split, Mathieu stated that ““It is more than just the amount of time and money they’ve put into this. There were also underlying business reasons as for why they were trying to split up to begin with, like conflicts of interest, that’s why ultimately, we’re going to have to get back to this in some way, shape or form.”

Read the full article here