
Anastasius (Tassos) Efstratiades


Anastasius, who prefers to go as “Tassos,” is the Co-Chair of the firm’s Business and Finance Department. He also chairs the firm’s Public Finance Practice Group. Tassos’ practice focuses on transactional work, including public finance, real estate development, construction contracts, and non-profit organization matters.

Tassos was born in Athens, Greece, and still embraces his roots. Fluent in Greek and French, he has the ability to assist clients from a variety of geographical areas and ethnic backgrounds.

Tassos has represented state and local governments and agencies in public finance transactions and public private partnerships, involving financing of transportation facilities, utility infrastructure, economic development projects, and affordable housing projects. He has represented developers and financial institutions in the planning and development of major real estate projects in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Tassos has advised non-profit corporations in governance and transactional matters, including asset preservation and divestiture, tax-exempt bond financing and joint venture projects. He has also represented several national and regional banks in financial transactions.

In 2012, Tassos was named by SJ Magazine to the South Jersey “Top Attorneys” list. He served as chair of the Philadelphia Bar Association Banking Committee (2015-17) and as a member of the New Jersey Health Care Administration Board (2002-2018). Tassos has previously served as chairman of the Governor’s Commission on International Trade for New Jersey (1992-95), as well as on the board for the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (1990-92) and on the Task Force on Business Retention, Expansion and Export Development of the New Jersey General Assembly (1992-2000).

Tassos’ involvement does not stop there. He has also served as chairman of the Cherry Hill Township Economic Development Committee, the chairman of the Board of Directors for the Camden County Regional Chamber of Commerce, the president of the Federation of Hellenic Organizations of New Jersey, and a member of the Advisory Board of the World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia.

Awards Won*

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